• CampFI

    FI/RE Event

    CampFI – Together we FI – a 3 day & night retreat that generally includes over 50 campers on their road to financial independence.

    There are 8 camps in 6 states and growing!

    Check it out!
  • Choose FI


    ChooseFI – Our community helps people discover and accelerate their path to Financial Independence with the goal of earning more, spending less, and enjoying the journey

    Check it Out
  • EconoMe Conference

    FI/RE Event – The EconoMe Conference is the only large-scale event specifically designed for the FIRE movement (financial independence, retire early).

    Check it out!

    FI/RE Event

    FinCon – The business event for money creators

    Check it out!
  • Plutus Awards

    FI/RE Media Awards

    Plutus Awards – Celebrating excellence in financial media

    Check it out!